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EcoCine - Lamsa, held in 2011, promoted 5 days of free recycling workshops for communities in Complexo da Maré (Vila do Pinheiro, Rubens Vaz, Nova HOlanda and Bento Ribeiro Dantas) and a large closing event, with a free cinema screening and the exhibition “Expo LAMSA – Community Art, An Open Air Exhibition”.


The project's main objective was to introduce communities to the importance of the concept of recycling and environmental preservation, leading them to use it in their daily lives and use it as a source of income. ​


The training workshops focused on environmental practices taught participants how to give a more noble destination to the waste they produce, transforming it into pieces of art capable of modifying their immediate economic reality. The closing of the event took place at Campo Sintético de Rubens Vaz, in the Complexo de Favelas da Maré, with a screening of the film “Saneamento Básico, O Filme”, directed by Jorge Furtado.


Around 500 people were present throughout the event, including young people from the communities, local artists, representatives from LAMSA and the presidents of the Residents' Association of Rubens Vaz, Nova Holanda and Tião Santos, from Projeto Rede Viva.

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